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Shipping and Returns


Shipping Rates

Each item in our catalog carries its own shipping charge. Many items such as riflescopes ship for free. Some categories carry a flat rate for each item and this rate will be listed at the top of the page. Other large items such as targets will have a shipping rate listed under their description. All rates are calculated and applied to your order during the checkout procedure. If you place an order and your shipping total seems excessive please contact us as we intend to charge only enough to cover costs and may be able to adjust your charges downward. 

Shipping Information for US addresses

Your order will be shipped by either UPS ground or USPS and should arrive within 2-6 days. If you desire special shipping please contact us for a rate quote.

International Shipping

Please contact us for exact shipping rate when placing order. Canadian rates are generally similar to our listed US rates. Overseas orders will be shipped by the least expensive method availible subject to size restrictions.


You may return an item for refund or exchange within 30 days of shipment date. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. Please indicate if you would like a refund or exchange and be sure to include a copy of your packing slip. You may want to insure your return; we cannot be responsible for lost or misdirected returns. If you paid for your order by credit card, a credit will be issued and will appear on your billing statement. A reason for the return is not required but including one may help us improve our service to you and other customers in the future.

 Please send your items to:

Keystone Sporting Goods Inc.
13611 Pennsylvania Avenue
Hagerstown Maryland 21742
attention "returns"

If you have any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact us at: service@keystone-sports.com or by phone at 301 733-0373, or use our "contact us" form at the link on all our page bottoms.

Keystone Sporting Goods Inc.  13611 Pennsylvania Avenue  Hagerstown Maryland  21742  301-733-0373 

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